Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chapel Hill and Toto find their way back to Chicago after a 2800 mile detour.

 Pictures taken less than 18 hours ago (July 1, 2011), going through Raton Pass and Trinidad.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Five states in one day ...

This is Mark, checking in:

On our exciting journey home, we've hit FIVE states in twenty-four hours including:  California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado ... and JUST under the wire, KANSAS.  Take me home, Toto.

We rode thru the Raton Pass, which is highest point on the Sante Fe line, and it looks like they had one hell of  a weenie roast two weeks ago.  S'mores anyone?

Mark's favorite city in Colorado is Trinidad.  Once upon a time, this city had to be one of premier major railroad hubs/towns in the entire state.  Beautiful buildings and scenery.  Mother Hubbard will be uploading the evidence.

Once we arrive in Chicago, we'll all have parting words.  Thanks for following us in our journey across the states.