Saturday, July 2, 2011

Chapel Hill and Toto find their way back to Chicago after a 2800 mile detour.

 Pictures taken less than 18 hours ago (July 1, 2011), going through Raton Pass and Trinidad.  Enjoy!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Five states in one day ...

This is Mark, checking in:

On our exciting journey home, we've hit FIVE states in twenty-four hours including:  California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado ... and JUST under the wire, KANSAS.  Take me home, Toto.

We rode thru the Raton Pass, which is highest point on the Sante Fe line, and it looks like they had one hell of  a weenie roast two weeks ago.  S'mores anyone?

Mark's favorite city in Colorado is Trinidad.  Once upon a time, this city had to be one of premier major railroad hubs/towns in the entire state.  Beautiful buildings and scenery.  Mother Hubbard will be uploading the evidence.

Once we arrive in Chicago, we'll all have parting words.  Thanks for following us in our journey across the states.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

And then there were three ...

What started as a trip from Seattle to Chicago (via WhiteFish) resulted in many reroutes and new cities, but has been an opportunity of a lifetime.  As we lovingly call the trip "crash, burning and drowning (see previous posts)" we know that the issues mother nature presented us with allowed the ones of us on the train to spend quality time with family and friends, while enjoying the areas of America that I've never been fortunate to see before.

While we thought the Canadians were the cause of much inconvenience, the flooding in Minot allowed us to return back to Seattle (we LOVE Seattle!) and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Pacific Northwest again.  We then took the Coastal Starlight southbound on the coast of California, enjoying beautiful scenery and sunsets over the ocean, arriving in LA for what we thought was our final dinner.

A slight change of plans left three passengers (Erika, Mark & Karen S.) and Danny on the train, and are planning on embarking on the last leg back to Chicago at 6:15 PST - if all things go according to plan.  As we've experienced kinks in our schedule before, we'll accommodate any changes that occur - but will enjoy the opportunity at hand while we're still onboard.

The Chapel Hill is a beautiful rail car and all of the individuals included on the trip have had an experience of a lifetime.  Thanks to DeWitt for his generosity in sharing his car, and Mark & Karen Werner for allowing us the opportunity to join them on this wonderful excursion!  Choo choo!!!

Holding Our Breath

OK - scheduled to depart from LA in a few hours. Mark said he hopes we are not delayed at the Cicada Festival !!! 

In this past week-end's The Wall Street Journal Magazine . . .( July/August 2011 edition ). Check out the article "Adventure on the Rails"

Pictures this evening

It Ain't Over Yet.......Do The Math !!!

SO - - -our original rail trip was to be a total of 6440 miles.
However ...when we arrive in Chicago we will have ridden 9246 total miles.
This includes 2806 miles due to detours because of  fires in the southwest and flooding in the Dakotas.
One and a half miles in reverse.
And 180 degree spin on a turntable.

The magnificent thing above all is that with this delay, no family arguments, lobster dances,fist fights, scream-fests, no one was thrown from the train nor put in "time out"  ......This car is only 11' x 85'   .  We all get brownie points !!

Will post pictures later today !

The final survivors onboard are Mark, Karen Schmitt and Erika Schmitt.

Just Photos

No Jibber Jabber Just Photos

Chapel Hill Depression

Happy Thursday Our Faithful Blog Followers:
I awoke this morning realizing many things were terrible wrong….
No – Chapel Hill rocking me to sleep as we click down the tracks!!
No – Happy Dance before going to bed!! Mark can really cut the rug with his Happy Dance…
No – Cars chasing me down the Expressway honking and waving.
No – Danny to deliver my morning coffee.
No – Jeff cuisine – I had Skyline Chili for dinner instead!!
No – Uncle DeWitt telling me I can NOT fly on a broken wing – Dang I really miss that for sure.
No – Full Moons on or off the Chapel Hill…
It was a trip of a lifetime and a great time with family and friends. I find myself laughing out loud remembering it all. I will post no Jibber Jabber photos for Mark later tonight. I can honestly say “GO BY TRAIN” the slogan on Portland Oregon’s Union Station is dead on….This is a beautiful land we call America and I am thankful to have had the opportunity to see it the old fashion way via rail!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We are in LA - Again!!

Hello All Our Loyal Followers,

We are back in LA with some of us leaving and others will continue on his never ending journey across this beautiful land we call America. Erika and Karen S have made the decision to stay with Mark for the ride to Chicago. Reed cancelled yesterday and his father will miss the opportunity to share this wonderful experince with him. Karen W and Jeff are off to LAX for a 11AM flight back to Cincinnati....

Stay tuned

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back in Seattle

Hello All,

We are back in Seattle and it is a beautiful day. Sunny and 70 with a light breeze. The Soccer Stadium is slowly coming to life "Sounders FC" are playing at home today. Jeff took us to Chinatown's grocery store which was incredible. We picked up seven dozen oysters for tonight's meal. See below some photos taken in the past few days.

Friday, June 24, 2011



More Pictures as Promised

Pictures as Promised

Pictures as Promised

Pictures as Promised

Seattle to Whitefish - WOW!

Happy Followers - Good Morning from Whitefish,

We departed Seattle - yes again - on Wednesday afternoon for an amazing trip to Whitefish. Troy and Rachel arrived via Cascade from Portland in time to make the trip to Whitefish. We are sorry that Karen and Peter could not make it but maybe next time. Out of Seattle riding North along Puget Sound was gorgeous but a little chilly. We slowly climbed from sea level into stunning mountains and streams. See below photos taken during our journey to Whitefish. The sunset on Wednesday night took our breath away. The sky appears to be on fire....

We once again all guest enjoyed mouth watering cuisine prepared by Jeff. Danny also out did himself with his wit, railroad knowledge and just in time service for all guest!! Maybe we should adopt both Danny and Jeff...

We arrived into Whitefish and it was a little cloudy then mid morning thunderstorms moved in to the area. The weather did not deter the anglers who loaded up with three boats and three guides. We had a beautiful day fishing Roger's Lake where Troy took home the cash for biggest fish and most fish....We think his guide cheated!!! None the less it was an amazing afternoon surrounded by mountains with bright sunshine. See photos below.

We are off to Glacier Park then fishing (white watering rafting fishing) tomorrow on Swan River. Our guides guaranteed one thing - we will return WET!!!

Enjoy the photos. Which will be uploaded separately because I am having issues - UGH!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

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The 4449, departing Portland - Union Station

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If you want to go to Chicago, you can't get there from here...

Greetings faithful blog followers,

We woke up this morning and found ourselves in sunny Seattle ... once again. Apparently we'll be back on Sunday as well, because to get to Chicago from WhiteFish, you need go through Albuquerque. Flooding and fires have rerouted us several times, however we're making the best of it. Uncle Mark is taking this opportunity to see the Nautical Shop and the Karens are sipping on Seattle's best coffee.

Troy & Rachel had a suprise when they arrived in Portland; The Chapel Hill left without them! Even the best laid plans can be derailed, and these two took it in stride and jumped on the next commuter up the coast. The newest additions arrive at noon, with the Chapel Hill departing for WhiteFish at 4:40. Updates will be forthcoming ...